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March 15, 2023

Your Studio Needs a Marketing Calendar. And Here’s Why.

A marketing calendar is a written roadmap for your studio’s marketing activities. It’s a plan that comprises all your marketing initiatives for the whole year. And it breaks it down month by month. A marketing calendar allows you to plan ahead. It allows you to be strategic. And when you can strategically plan, you have a much greater chance of reaching your studio’s goals.

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra

And “someplace else” might not be a place you want your studio’s brand to end up. But if you plan, if you think critically and intentionally about what you really want for your studio, then you can pave a path that leads to your desired outcome. 

What’s a Marketing Calendar?

A marketing calendar is a written roadmap for your studio’s marketing activities. It’s a plan that comprises all your marketing initiatives for the whole year. And it breaks it down month by month. 

A marketing calendar allows you to plan ahead. It allows you to be strategic. And when you can strategically plan, you have a much greater chance of reaching your studio’s goals.

A Marketing Calendar Keeps Your Studio Organized

Picture this: 

It’s one week before Thanksgiving. And in your busyness, you totally forgot about marketing your studio’s Thanksgiving Day workout: “Earn Your Pumpkin Pie.” 

You scramble to get the word out. You post it to your social media outlets. You create a banner for your website. You remind your instructors to tell the members during their post-class announcements. 

But it was too late. 

Attendance for the holiday event is abysmally low—most of your members already made other plans because they didn’t know your studio had a Thanksgiving Day option. 

We’ve all been that studio before. We’ve waited too long to market an event. But with a marketing calendar, that cruddy situation need not happen ever again! The marketing calendar is set a year in advance. So when it comes time to market your studio’s events, you’ll be way ahead. 

Spontaneity and a laissez-faire attitude is ideal for some things in life. But marketing isn’t one of them. 

A Marketing Calendar Helps Track Performance

A marketing calendar, done well, will give you a huge advantage for future studio events. 

For example: Let’s say your studio hosts a complimentary class for local teachers. And let’s say it’s a hit! Attendance is phenomenal. And you convert ten participants into monthly members. 

A year later, when you’re creating your studio’s upcoming promotions, your marketing calendar shows you that your “local teacher promotion” exceeded the expected goals. So you decide to do it again. 

And it’s easy—thanks to your marketing calendar. You’ve got all the necessary details and content ready to go. 

Without the marketing calendar, you might have forgotten that the event was super successful. Or perhaps you would have forgotten what you did to promote it so well. But with a robust marketing calendar, you can see what worked—and what didn’t.

A Marketing Calendar Unifies Your Team

When it comes to an organization, big or small, the more unified it is, the better. 

When you have a marketing calendar, and it’s shared with every member of your team, your staff will feel significantly more connected to the brand and to each other. 

If your team knows what’s ahead, they’ll be more successful at promotion. 

And you’ll likely find that your staff is more helpful and on-board with your studio’s offerings if they know what’s going on in advance. 

Cheers to thinking and planning ahead! 

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