With summer around the corner, everyone’s plans are starting to shape up. Whether it’s heading on a vacation, kids on summer break, or taking some R&R, schedules are filling up quickly. Everyone is busy and someone’s always away – leading to a consistent and heavy stream of instructors needing subs.

The last thing fitness studio owners and managers need to stress over is their studio’s shifting schedule as the warmer months approach. Better yet, wouldn’t it be nice to go on vacation knowing your subs are all being taken care of? One can dream. We’re all familiar with the typical way of finding a sub – send a message in a group chat, only to have it lost a few days (or hours) later and end up having to chase down instructors one by one to find out if they can help. As the class date approaches and the class is still open, stress levels only rise.

Imagine a world where instructors can send sub requests for classes they need coverage for. Immediately, all eligible instructors receive a notification of the subbing opportunity. In just minutes, your sub is found and boom! Your live schedule in Mariana Tek is automatically updated.

NetGym, a subbing and communication platform, is helping boutique fitness studios globally automate their sub process and streamline communication with staff. With its integration to Mariana Tek, NetGym automatically swaps instructors in the live schedule once a sub is approved. This integration helps studio owners and managers regain their time, cut costs, eliminate the need for manual updates, and minimize human error. 

With NetGym and Mariana Tek, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your drink of choice on the beach, with one less thing to worry about. No more chasing down instructors or last-minute scrambles—NetGym’s integration with Mariana Tek streamlines your entire sub process, from request to confirmation. One of our customers shared,

“I am finally able to go on vacation and just passively watch the subs get taken care of without me needing to step in, thanks to NetGym.”

Buy Back Your Time

Leveraging the integration between NetGym and Mariana Tek, studios can automate their sub process—from updating the live schedule to sending sub reminders, so no class goes uncovered. With an automated sub process, studio owners and managers can buy back their time to focus on what really matters—growing your business and engaging with your community … and taking a vacation anyone? With a consolidated view of all subbing, managers can manage subs on the fly and instructors can send out sub requests with a few taps on the NetGym app, freeing your team from the chains of group chats, spreadsheets, and manual schedule updates.

Discover how marketing campaigns for boutique fitness studios can further support your studio’s growth and keep engagement high during the busy summer months.

Elevate Your Member Experience

We’ve all had this happen, you show up to your favorite class taught by your favorite instructor, only to find out a sub is teaching class. NetGym with Mariana Tek ensures that every class is covered by the best available instructor, with real-time updates to your schedule for all (most importantly members) to see. For your team, this means less stress and more opportunities to pick up extra classes, improving their earning potential and satisfaction working at your studio.

Enhance your member experience with fitness studio software that ensures every class is covered and your live schedule is always up to date.

Flexible Sub Management & Insightful Sub Analytics

With the flexibility of NetGym, you can tailor the subbing process to fit the unique needs of your studio. Customize how far sub requests can be sent, set specific approval permissions, and configure your account for maximum oversight, especially during busy times like summer break.

Utilize NetGym’s analytics to monitor and understand instructor subbing behavior—insights that are invaluable for performance reviews, raises, and strategic planning. See who is actively participating in the subbing process, who is giving you ample notice for classes they need covered (or cutting it close), who frequently picks up classes, and those who might need a little extra encouragement.

Hear From Those Who Conquered the Sub Challenge

“Our experience with NetGym has transformed how we handle subs. Before, we were tied down by manual processes that were neither timely nor cost-effective. Now, NetGym automates our requests, allowing instructors to easily pick up subs that fit their schedules, with all changes efficiently synced to Mariana Tek,” says Jill Yasuda, Vice President of GritCycle.

Streamline Your Summer Subs with NetGym

Interested in automating your subbing before the summer craziness is here? Try NetGym with an integration to Mariana Tek for 30-days with a money-back guarantee and experience the difference immediately. Schedule a demo with the NetGym team today and get up and running in just a few days!

Summer doesn’t have to mean scheduling chaos. With NetGym and Mariana Tek, ensure your classes are always covered, and your studio runs without a hitch, no matter how high the temperatures soar.

To learn how NetGym can help your studio streamline subbing and communication, schedule a demo today. Mariana Tek partners with best-in-class software and apps offering countless ways to make our platform work for your studio. Discover all the Mariana Tek integration partners.

Article by Xplor Mariana Tek

First published: May 22 2024

Last updated: September 26 2024