Weebly Configuration

Configuration Steps

Javascript Snippet Setup

  • Click the "Theme" Button near the top of the Edit screen.
  • In the menu on the left side, click the "Edit HTML/CSS" button at the bottom, left corner of the screen.
  • In the menu on the left side, click "header.html" under the "Header Type" subfolder.
  • Copy and paste the javascript snippet in between the opening <head> tag and the closing </head> tag.
  • Replace example-tenant-name with your tenant name in the javascript snippet.
  • Click the "Save" button in the upper, right corner of the screen. Give the new theme a name and Save.

HTML Snippet Setup

  • Click the "Build" Button near the top of the Edit screen.
  • Add a new section by dragging the "Section" tile (under into the "Structure" heading) page you are editing
  • Drag the "Embed Code" tile (in the "Basic" section of the "Build menu") into the section.
  • Click on the new "Embed Code" element and click the "Edit Custom HTML" button.
  • Copy and paste the HTML snippet for the page you are creating.
  • Click the "Publish" button in the upper, right corner of the screen and view your changes.

Review all pages. If you find that you need to adjust space around the Mariana integrations, you can do this on a global level or page-by-page. For global adjustments, visit "Theme > "Edit HTML/CSS" and click main.less. For local adjustments, add an "Embed Code" element while editing the page and add CSS inside opening and closing <style> tags.